
Navigate Confluence

Wouldn’t your team love to stop sifting through email accounts and shared folders?

When everything lives in Confluence, it’s easy to find what you’re looking for, create, and collaborate on work.

Home & main page areas

Familiarize yourself with your main Confluence page areas to get organized and working in a flash.

Learn the main page areas

  1. Left sidebar button to view page tree
  2. Home
  3. Global nav links
  4. Create
  5. Search field
  6. Notifications
  7. Help
  8. User icon for profile and more settings
  9. Editing, collaboration and watching
  10. Permissions settings and Share
  11. More actions
  12. Breadcrumb/page tree hierarchy pathway
  13. Page snapshot, including viewer insights

Once your team starts using navigating Confluence, you’ll notice a fast improvement in efficiency and teamwork.

  • Start at your home dashboard to find recent spaces and pages
  • Use the menu at the top to move between spaces or visit the people directory
  • At the top, also see a list of your apps or create a new page
  • Stay up-to-date with site-wide announcements, calendars, and your site’s activity feed
  • Browse the feed to discover a treasure trove of recent and popular content

Pro Tip

Tap [ on your keyboard to show or hide the sidebar, and simply drag and drop pages anywhere along the page tree to reorder them within a space.

Pick up where you left off in Home

In seconds, Confluence lets you reach tasks and other space areas to keep your work momentum going.

Follow along

  1. Click on Home in the top navigation bar.
  2. Select Tasks from options in the left column. This is where all action items assigned to you are listed in one view.
  3. Use the filters in the top right corner to quickly find what you need.
  4. Check off tasks straight from here and they’ll be updated on their respective pages.

The left sidebar offers more options for quick navigation.

  • To navigate within a space, go to the left sidebar for the space overview, blog, settings, and more.
  • There, use the space shortcuts for links to all your favorites, from sales reports to YouTube videos.
  • Below that is the page tree showing every page in the space hierarchically, which reduces searching. 

Pro Tip

The more likes and comments a page gets in a short period of time, the higher it will rank in the Popular activity feed on the Home page.  

Email settings & page insights

We know you’re swamped, so Confluence helps you control your email alerts and quickly learn what’s working — and what’s not.

Follow along

  1. Click your user icon in the top right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Choose Email in the lefthand column.
  4. Check and uncheck boxes based on your preference.
Pro Tip

Check the option 'Subscribe to receive a daily digest' to receive a single email per day with a summary of all updates across pages, blog posts, and spaces you’re watching. Uncheck this option if you prefer to receive separate notifications for each update as they happen.

Learn in real time what content is resonating the most with teammates and other stakeholders.

  • Underneath the page title, the creator byline tells you when the content was last updated, who worked on it, and how long it will take to read.
  • Click the people viewed link to see who viewed a page, when, and other interactions with the content.
  • By clicking the three dots next to a page owner’s name, admins and current owners can change ownership of a page so that the most appropriate person to manage the page’s content is visible for any visitor to the page.

Pro Tip

If you can’t remember what a page is called, click Content in the page tree to browse all pages, blogs, and content cards.

Dive deeper into Confluence navigation:

Watch our primer video: How to Navigate in Confluence Cloud

Read: Ditch your inbox and get Confluence notifications in Slack

Explore all there is to know about Confluence navigation

Confluence best practices

Learn how to integrate Confluence with your favorite business tools.

Create a new page

Learn how to create Confluence pages.